Sunday, June 12, 2011

Flying High in Costa Rica

Another exciting day in Costa Rica! We started with a post-mass concert at Iglesia de la Fortuna. Fortuna is a town about ten minutes from our resort. The people were very appreciative and kind. The kids sang beautifully, and the audience especially responded to "My Spirit Sang All Day," "Peace Like a River," and "Cana Dulce." Many people came up to us after the concert and expressed their gratitude for the concert. Our next activity was the much anticipated zip lining. WOW!!! What an exhilarating experience! We "flew" on a series of 8 lines near the Arenal volcano. We went whizzing over the canyons of the rain forest with views of Arenal lake and the surrounding mountains and valleys. The longest line was 650 meters and with speeds up to 50 miles per hour. What a rush!! We had a great dinner at a local restaurant and then spent another lovely evening swimming at our resort. Can't wait till tomorrow.
Concert at Iglesia de la Fortuna.
Kyle Matsumoto with a local who was waiting to hear our concert.

Waiting outside the Iglesia de la Fortuna before our concert.

Waiting on the steps of the church.
Nikki Sarti and Amber Spencer modeling their new rain jackets.

Michele Spencer's lunch in Fortuna was "Volcano Rice."

Sarah Hill and Madi Harner ready to zip line.
Riding the tram up to the zip lines.
Ashley Aboud, Brooke Powell and Hailey Thompson ready for an adventure.

Mr. Perez flying through the rain forest.

Gavin Graham walking to the last zip line.
We're ready!
All smiles before....

Fearless Mary Forbes and Danger-loving Donna Nelson.
Michael Sanders starting out.

Rudi Yniguez and David Fowler at our resort.
View of the Arenal volcano.
Jeff Mayberry and Jared Matheson.

Chris Stadick ready to go.

Relaxing at the resort.

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